The period of the “new oil”, starts with freshly squeezed oil is in the autumn, soon after the harvesting of the olives and pressing. The new oil is green, strong and scented with freshly pressed olives; its aroma is fruity and the taste is spicy.
The olive oil is much more valuable if in addition of being new extra virgin olive and organic one, the pressing, in fact, doesn’t occur through mechanical processes, therefore without any thermal or chemical alteration, but all stages of processing – from cultivation to the harvest of olives, from their storage to defoliation and washing, up to milling, extraction and bottling are due to respect the precise organic rules.
The New Extra Virgin Olive Oil Organic Sicilian PERFECTUM produced by the organic farm Canalotto Farm is an oil obtained from olives produced with the organic farming method. The process of transformation olives into oil performs according to the technologies that respect the same principles. It is bottled
between October and November, but the long storage of the oil allows you to buy it all year round.
An organic extra virgin olive oil comply to all rules of production required by the organic method, therefore every single stage of processing is certified by strict controls.
Perfectum is a certified organic extra virgin olive oil that corresponds to the organic rules at all stages of its production.
The organic olive groves of Canalotto Farm are the origin of PERFECTUM OLIVE OIL. The land and the olive trees are cultivated in biological regime, based on the natural fertility of the soil, with non-invasive interventions. We use methods and techniques of cultivation that respect the normal seasonality and maturation of the product.
The olive harvest takes place in October, when the olives reach the right ripeness but not too much mature. We avoid to let the olives fall to the ground with consequent undesirable organoleptic alterations of the oil.
The olives are also harvested in such a way that they do not compromise the quality product. Olives are harvested directly from the tree by hand, to ensure the maximum preservation of the integrity of the fruits and a high-quality standard of the extracted oil, both from an organoleptic and nutritional point of view.
We transport the olives in special boxes as quickly as possible to prevent uncontrolled fermentation. For this reason, the mill is located 2 km away from the company and, obviously, it is an organic oil mill and is under control of inspected entity and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Organic olives are cold pressed within 12 hours after harvesting. The machinery of the oil mill is washed thoroughly (before and after) to prevent the organic oil from coming into contact with another oil that does not follow the rules of organic production and is therefore produced by traditional/ hot processing.
Even being harvested by hand from the plant, the olives trees are outside, so the washing is carried out with continuously renewed water.
The excellent oil quality is guaranteed by extraction techniques and the usage of specific machinery. Due to this reason, Canalotto Farm relies upon ‘Centonze’ oil mill, that guarantees serious and professional approach, the respect of strict rules of organic farming.
Bottling and storage take place in an environment deprived of any source of smells.
The oil is stored in metal tanks and bottled in both 500ml and 100ml glass bottles, as well as in 3-liter and 100ml cans.
All above-described processes ensure the certified quality of PERFECTUM oil, whose organoleptic characteristics are reflected in its intense green color, the freshly squeezed olive scent and a very rich aromatic composition.